Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thing #14

I searched for "School Library Learning 2.0" in blogs, posts, and tags. I got a different set of results each time. I feel Technorati is still intimidating at this point for me.
The popular tags are topics that you would expect for the most part, such as "music" and "news". There were a few tags that I thought would be more popular, such as "celebrities". People always have something to say about them, so they must be tagging them as another keyword.
I think that tags are helpful, but not always precise. I think that searching popular tags is the smartest decision when you are looking for information, since many people have accessed that information by searching that tag keyword. From what I understand information could be tagged inappropriately. Searching popular tags will lead you to information that more than just one other person believe is in the right place.

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