Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thing #21

I made a video cast of our wedding use Photostory. I enjoyed making this video, but I encountered some problems ("challenges") with the music. I tried to "select music" instead of "create music". I wanted to use a song from my iTunes library. I guess the music I have is in a MP4 form. I didn't know how to convert the file, so I tried inserting the CD I wanted to use. The CD did not come up correctly when I selected the drive and folder that should have held the music. The folder showed nothing inside. After much frustration, I decided to create music for the video. I am happy with it, but will continue trying to figure out how to use the music already on my computer.

While I was making this video, I thought about how useful this activity would be for children that stutter. We often use explanation or reading to work on fluency. My students could create a story about themselves or an activity they participated in, and practice fluency while reading or telling the story to the group. Having pictures or video might make the experience easier and more enjoyable for the child.


  1. Kristi,
    I didn't know you were doing this too. How are you? I love your video - you looked beautiful. We need to have lunch...
    Do you have facebook?

  2. What a beautiful video and wedding! Congratulations! :)
